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Disneyland Paris Trip Update

Please see below statement from Mr Cannon.

"We apologise for not contacting parents/carers about this trip sooner but we didn’t want to provide information until we were sure of the arrangements. 
Unfortunately, in these uncertain times, the advice given to schools changes almost daily and we wanted to wait until the guidance was finalised to reduce confusion. Statements such as “advised not to travel” may sound good but they don’t help us when trying to make claims with insurance companies. We are, however, currently working with the TCAT finance department to arrange refunds and you will receive further information about this in due course. All EHIC cards are being held securely in the school safe for return in due course.
We do intend to run a similar trip at Easter 2021 so there will be the opportunity for students who were due to go to Disneyland this Easter to experience this trip next year.  Please feel free to contact  in the meantime if you have any further questions.
Kind regards
Mr G Cannon"