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Lateral Flow Testing

Lateral Flow Testing in Secondary Schools from 8 March 2021 

Dear Parents/Carers

You may have heard in the media or seen online that schools are required to provide COVID-19 Lateral Flow Tests to students on their return to school.  The requirement is that students are tested on 3 occasions 3-5 days apart before moving to home testing kits.  This is not mandatory, but is "strongly encouraged".  

We are currently planning the logistics of this and how this is rolled out will be dictated by the uptake.  I would be grateful therefore if you would complete the Microsoft Form here: to inform me if you do/do not consent to your son/daughter being tested in school.  If you have responsibility for more than one student at Howden, you will need to complete the form multiple times.  

I would be grateful if you would complete this form by midday on Friday 26 February.  I appreciate this is a short turnaround, but it will mean we can provide effective and accurate information on Monday 1 March regarding the reopening of school.  

Questions numbered 3 - 10 are only required if you are consenting to Lateral Flow Testing in School.  If you do not consent, you can leave these questions, but I would still appreciate the form being returned with a negative response to Questions 13 - 15.  The questions are designed to enable a bulk upload to the NHS test and trace service which will provide results to you direct via text message and/or email; so if you have already returned a paper consent form for testing during lockdown, I would still appreciate you completing this electronic version.  

Below is a copy of the Privacy Notice.